

We're a 100% volunteer, nonprofit organization. We love having you in our audience and on stage with us. If you'd like more information about getting involved, please e-mail

West Bend Theatre Company produces on average 2-3 shows per year, and then highlighted by the annual tradition of Charles Dickens’ classic story “A Christmas Carol.”

In 2019, each of the eight performances of “A Christmas Carol” were sold out, with each performance maxing out at 140 guests. There was no 2020 show because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In September 2020, West Bend Theatre Company hosted two live, sold-out shows at The Bend in downtown West Bend with a total of 170 guests.

Advertising options include reserving a space on a show program, a space on the mural at the West Bend Masonic Lodge or be a presenting or supporting sponsor for a production.

Invest in the West Bend Theatre Company, you’re investing in the community.

How you can help

Ways to support us
& our community


Not into acting but like theatre? You can volunteer with costumes, set design and ushers.

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Advertising with the West Bend Theatre Company connects businesses to a community that supports local business.

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What better way to get involved in community theatre than to audition for a show by the West Bend Theatre Company.

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