2024 Auditions for A Christmas Carol

Published on September 4th, 2024


Auditions Set for September 16 and September 18

West Bend Theatre Company has set audition dates for their traditional production of "A Christmas Carol" for September 16th and 18th 2024.

Register to participate in auditions by using the "sign up link" at WBTheatreCo.com - There, participants will find a complete list of roles that will be cast for the show, along with audition materials that can be prepared by those auditioning.

Those auditioning are asked to prepare a song as part of their audition. Choose any song that showcases the singer's voice. Plan to sing for two minutes or less.

Auditions are slated to take place at Our Savior's Lutheran Church at 1044 S. Silverbrook Drive, at 6:30 PM on either of of those two dates. On arrival, park behind the church. Check with the lobby registration desk for further instruction. Please arrive slightly in advance of the 6:30 start time, to permit complete registration.

Questions? Contact Social@WBTheatreCo.com

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